Econo...wha? Course

Which way for justice?Econowha? is an online tool for critical literacy for use in adult learnng settings. It is designed to support us in questioning why things are the way they are, and exploring what we can do to act for a more just global society. We all have the power to think critically, and to influence the decisions of our governments in democracies. The economic system we live in directly influences all of our lives, and we are all experts of our own experiences.

Through Econowha? we hope to uncover different perspectives on the causes and consequences of the global financial crisis, and to think about economics in a way that puts justice for people and the planet first.

The themes explored in Econowha? connect the experiences of people living in Ireland and Europe with people all over the world, bringing the active voices of communities and social movements in struggle to the fore.


We also run a six-week Econowha? course. If you are interested, keep an eye on our website where we will share details of upcoming courses. 


Econowha letterhead

 Econowha? is a free online reading and learning tool for adult learners.

  • It is comprised of 9 sessions, each with things to watch and read.
  • Each session has guide questions to get your discussion started, keywords to look up in the glossary, and proposed learning outcomes.
  • Each session features a guest blogger who has already had a look at the resources and has responded with an original piece to some of the guide questions.
  • The guest bloggers come from different backgrounds and offer different perspectives. Their responses vary in length, use of language, and writing style.
  • Beneath each session is a space for comments to aid discussion and dialogue.
  • We propose that you form a learning circle with some peers to support the use Econowha? (See the ‘How?’ page for more on this).
  • The 'Resources’ section also contains ‘Tools for Popular Education‘, which can be helpful for finding creative ways of supporting learning in groups, and a glossary of new or unusual words.
  • You will also find ‘Extra Reading and Viewing’ beneath some sections, which might be useful for anyone who wishes to take their learning further.
  • Econowha? brings a lot of different material together to aid the learning process. We are facilitating access to these resources as useful educational tools but do not endorse all the views contained within them. We invite you to challenge and question the material in a way that is useful for you. We invite you to always ask ‘Why?’