We have just 24 hours left to act for tax justice!

18 June 2014

Public Consultation

We have 24 hours to act for tax justice!

(Note: This action has now ended.)

Minister Noonan has decided to assess the impacts of Ireland’s tax model on the economies of Global South countries by doing a ‘spillover analysis’.

This is good news! And it is urgently needed because of the global scandal of corporate tax dodging. Global South countries lose up to € 870 billion per year due to illicit financial flows, including through tax dodging.

Ireland has come under heavy criticism for its approach to international corporate tax issues. It’s high time for Minister Noonan to act for global tax justice.

The terms and content of the research will be determined by a public consultation. This means that any submissions from the public must be reviewed by the spillover analysis committee.

The deadline for the public consultation in this Friday June 20th.

Take action!

We have 24 hours to make a submission to the committee to ask that the spillover analysis address these tax justice concerns:

  • Ireland has no public register of the real owners of companies, trusts and foundations. This means tax dodgers can use shell companies in Ireland to hide profits and avoid paying their fair share of tax.
  • Ireland has not introduced full ‘country-by-country’ financial reporting rules on profits made and taxes paid by multi-national companies operating in Ireland. This means that we don’t know if companies are paying the right amount of tax in the right place.
  • Ireland is supporting unfair global rules on exchanging information on tax automatically. The rules are simply too unrealistic for Global South governments to fully participate in. This prevents them from hunting down tax dodgers.

Email the Minister for Finance Michael Noonan, Minister for Trade and Development Joe Costello, and the Spillover Analysis Researchers now!

Take action!

For more information on the spillover analysis, take a look at DDCI's briefing.