Urgent action: Nov 27th: TDs Must Vote to Destroy Anglo Debt

14 November 2013


Nov 27th: Day of Reckoning on Anglo Debt

TDs must vote to destroy Anglo Debt

Updated 15th November, 12.30pm


We in the Anglo: Not Our Debt Campaign are joining the Ballyhea Says No! Campaign to pressure our TDs to vote for the total cancellation of the Anglo debt on Wed 27th November.


We have 1 week to achieve this so we need to act fast!

Call / email your TD today and ask her / him to vote in favour of the motion to destroy the Anglo debt on Wednesday 27th November.

It is time, we, the people of Ireland, brreak free of this illegitimate debt. Anglo debt is not our debt.


Join us outside the Dáil on Wed 27th at 6pm to watch the vote live and let our political representatives know that we are watching and waiting for them to stand up for us.

Ask your TD to:

- Stand up against unjust debt and to vote in support of the motion to destroy the anglo debt on Wed 27th Nov.

The motion will be debated on Tuesday 26th November and voted on on Wednesday 27th November.
The motion is being proposed by the Technical group of TDs in the Dail on behalf of the Ballyhea Says No Campaign.


The final version of the motion will be circulated in the coming days.


In solidarity with the Ballyhea Says No Campaign,

Anglo: Not Our Debt Campaign