Unmask Tax Dodgers - Great Video

14 November 2014


Stop Tax Dodging

Call on your representatives to unmask the real owners of companies regsitered in Ireland.



  • Europe keeps losing around EUR 1 trillion per year due to tax dodging. At the same time, developing countries are losing more resources through corporate tax dodging than they receive as development aid. 
  • As much as 2.7 percent of global GDP is criminal money being laundered. (Source: ‘Will the EU’s new anti-money laundering rules have teeth’?, author Koen Roovers).
  • Financial secrecy makes it almost impossible for developing countries to detect tax dodging by multinational companies #Stoptaxdodging # AMLD

Watch this informative video which explains clearly how the real owners of comanpies can hide, making it easier for them to avoid paying their taxes.

Also take action and urge Minister for Finance Michael Noonan and Minister for Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation Richard Bruton asking them to establish a public register of the real owners of companies registered in Ireland here.