Transition Year Online Teacher Training 'How the World Works' with Guest Speaker Seán McCabe
19 April 2022
We're delighted to announce that Seán McCabe will be joining Financial Justice Ireland on 3 May 2022 as guest speaker in the second of our events on 'How the World Works'. Seán, the Climate Justice Officer at Bohemian Football Club, brings a wealth of passion and experience as a climate justice policy specialist, and is the "world's first" Climate Justice Officer. His role enables the club to take environmental action and empower fans and the community around the club to recognise their environmental rights. He is also part of the Secretariat for the Children's Environmental Rights Initiative.
This workshop is aimed at Transition Year teachers, coordinators, and anyone else involved in the planning or delivery of educational content for Transition Year students in 2022/23. It provides an overview of the third edition of Financial Justice Ireland's resource, 'How the World Works' and can be used to create an entire module - or specific sections of the course can be used and incorporated into existing teaching plans and practices.
The Transition Year teaching resource workshop builds on key Junior Cycle learning outcomes and orients towards key Senior Cycle outcomes. (The handy tables linking page numbers to both subjects and learning outcomes make this resource our easiest yet!)
At the end of this session, teachers can request both a copy of the workshop resource material (to be sent by post) and a certificate of attendance that can be used towards Continuous Professional Development (CPD).
If you'd like to attend, register your place and join us on 3 May from 6.30 until 8 pm for a participatory and fun dive into How the World Works.
By way of thanks, this resource was created with funding from WorldWise Global Schools (WWGS), Irish Aid's strategic partner for Global Citizenship Education at post-primary level. (Please note that neither this resource nor the workshop reflects the views or opinions of WWGS and Irish Aid.)