Resource for Parish and Religious Educators

07 February 2012


New DDCI Resource for Parishes and Religious Educators

DDCI is compiling a bi-monthly resource for parishes and religious educators 'Inspiring Hope and Solidarity: A Resource for Parishes and Religious Educators'.

This creative resource will support parish groups and religion teachers to provide learning and reflection opportunites for adults and post-primary students.

The focus of the first edition is ecumenical. However, DDCI will incorporate a multi-faith, intercultural approach in upcoming editions.

The resource is broken down into 'Did you know?' facts suitable for parish newsletters and monthly prayers and reflections. See January's - A time to renew and February's - the Feast of St Brigid.

A shorter version for January can be found here and February here which are more suitable for parish newsletters.

Religion teachers can find teaching material on St Brigid for the month of February here to complement the prayers and reflections.

The full first edition including all of these sections is downloadable here and DDCI will add to it every 2 months over the coming year.

We hope you enjoy it and pelase send us any ideas and suggestions for inclusion in the upcoming months' editions.