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Econo..wha? .. Why not form a learning circle on the global economy?
Econo..wha? ... Why not form a learning circle on the global economy? DDCI has launched a fantastic online …
Anglo debt is STILL not our debt
Newsdesks Anglo debt is STILL not our debt In the wake of the Anglo trial, campaigners renew call that sale of Anglo bonds be frozen Debt …
Election candidates must side with the people not multinational tax dodgers!
Election candidates must side with the people not multinational tax dodgers! Campaigners take to …
Where do your MEP candidates stand on Financial Justice?
Where do your MEP candidates stand on Financial Justice? ON FRIDAY 23rd MAY the elections to the European Parliament …
Thursday April 24th - Debt Justice Day of Learning
Turning education into action. Here in the DDCI offices, we are getting excited about next Thursday 24th April, as we have …
Newsdesk: Campaigners Urge patrick Honohan to 'do the right thing'
Anglo: Not Our Debt Campaigners urge Patrick Honohan to ‘do the right thing’ Debt Justice Action – a …
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