Econo..wha? .. Why not form a learning circle on the global economy?

07 May 2014

Lifelong learning lightbulb

Econo..wha? ... Why not form a learning circle on the global economy?

DDCI has launched a fantastic online learning resource econowha?

The economic system we live in does not serve the majority of the people. Yet many of us feel that economics is too complicated to understand. We all participate in the economy in some way; we all have a right to have an opinion on economics.  But many people lack confidence to explore how the economy works. Or feel that we can't change it anyway.

Well, we think that we can. We believe that people are powerful and capable of creating social change through collective action.

Econowha? is designed to support us in questioning why things are the way they are, and exploring what we can do to act for a more just global society. 

Econowha? is a free online reading and learning tool for adult learners. 

It's is comprised of 9 sessions, each with things to watch and read. Each session has guide questions to get your discussion started, keywords to look up in the glossary, and proposed learning outcomes. And the sessions feature guest bloggers who have already had a look at the resources and have responded with an original piece of their own to some of the guide questions.

Why not form a learning circle to explore the issues in Econowha?

You might already be part of a group that meets regularly. If you’re part of a community, campaigning, political, social or faith group you could use some of your meeting time as a learning circle. Your group can do the readings and hold discussions about the issues together. If you do this, please let us know, as we can publicise the meeting for you.

You can form a new learning circle. Ask friends, colleagues, fellow students, or anyone around you who you think might be interested. Again, do let us know, as we might be able to help you in find people for your group.

For more information on econowha? contact sian[at]