Beyond Covid: What next for the Financial System? Global Tax & Opportunities for Action

10 March 2021

Copy of Don't Turn Covid-19 into a global debt crisis-3

Join us on Tuesday 23rd March at 7.30 via zoom for a discussion on what the current challenges and opportunities are for a more just and fair international tax system emerging from the aftermath of the COVID 19 pandemic.

Our speakers are: 

Dominic Brown has worked at the Alternative Information and Development Centre (AIDC) since 2015. AIDC is a South African activist think-tank established in 1996, in support of worker struggles and social movements for economic, social, and environmental justice. At AIDC Brown coordinates the economic justice programme, undertaking political economy research and facilitating popular education and trainings with social movements and trade unions. He also represents AIDC on the steering committee of the budget justice coalition (BJC). 

Olivia Lally joined the Brussels-based network Eurodad in June 2018 as Senior Policy and Advocacy Officer, working on the tax justice team. She coordinates advocacy with EU institutions and carries out research on transparency and corporate tax, as well as engaging with Eurodad members.