Act Now: Stop the UN Being Silenced on Debt

24 April 2012


Stop the UN from Being Silenced on Unjust Debts

We have just heard worrying news that the EU may be trying to stop the UN from working on the debt problems of the countries of the Global South.

The United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) is meeting this week in Doha and the final text of the meeting that includes UNCTADs mandate to tackle global debt issues is under threat.

UNCTAD has a long history of research, warning of financial crises, proposing ways to prevent them before they happen, and how to tackle them when they've broken out.

But at this week's UNCTAD meeting in Doha, the European Union is trying to narrow its mandate to prevent it speaking out against reckless finance.This will leave this important work to undemocratic institutions such as the IMF and World Bank.

Please ask the Irish Minister for Trade and Development Joe Costello T.D to ensure the UN isn't silenced on speaking out on the unjust debts of countries of the Global South.

Act Now.

Below is a message that you can send and adapt to




Dear Minister Costello,

I am shocked that the EU may be trying to prevent UNCTAD XIII agreeing that:

- adequate regulation of financial markets is needed to help prevent economic crisis.
- principles of responsible lending and borrowing by governments are needed to promote stability and global development.
- more attention should be given to creating ways to resolve government debt crises.

These are all sensible measures needed to prevent debt and financial markets causing havoc for people's lives in Africa, Latin America, Asia, and indeed in Ireland too.

Please will you ensure that Ireland supports these critical measures at UNCTAD XIII this week, and in its review of the White Paper on Irish Aid.


Yours sincerely,