A Women's Day Call Against Anglo Debt

06 March 2012


A Women's Day Call to Feminists in Ireland, Europe and Internationally

As International Women's Day approaches, we are sending you a call to action from women in Ireland to support us in our campaign to stop the payment of unjust debts on zombie Anglo Irish Bank.

This video tells the story of the Anglo illegitimate debt and of how unjust debts are damaging our lives and the lives of women everywhere.

Please support the film's call from the women in Kilbarack community, Dublin. In Kilbarack, women are losing vital community projects, health and education services, and services to elderly and disabled women.

Allowing such injustice against the women of Kilbarack is an injustice against women living under unjust debts everywhere.

We are asking you to do 2 things for International Women's Day, Thursday 8th March:

1. Sign our petition calling for a suspension of the € 3,100,000,000 payment (yes, € 3.1 billion!) due to be made by the Irish government on behalf of Anglo on 31st March.

2. Write to your MEPs at the EU Parliament and ask them to support Women in Ireland on International Women's Day by calling for a suspension of payments on Anglo Irish Bank. You can find a draft email to your MEPs here to help you. Your MEPs email contacts can be found here.

The European Central Bank is insisting Ireland makes this massive, unjust payment. If the Irish government gets the courage to suspend the payment, Ireland's negotiating power with the ECB will be much stronger.

We only have a few weeks to stop the payment so please act now.

We don't want to pay this debt and we should not have to.

With thanks and in solidarity,

The women of Debt Justice Action