Tools for Popular Education

If you’ve never run a group meeting before, it can be a bit daunting. While you might be a bit nervous at first, with practice you’ll soon get used to it and it will come naturally.

It’s a good idea to start groups with a ‘Go-Around’ of introductions, particularly if people in the group don't know each other. We also recommend that when you start the session, you all agree that the group depends on active participation and the support of everyone present. So ask your group for help.


Here are some short, fun activities that can help overcome nerves and build trust within your group.

Resources for Popular Education

Here you'll find some resources that might be helpful when running adult learning groups, activities, approaches, and supporting your ideas.

Here's another fantastic resource from Multnomah County Public Health Division Community Partnerships Unit to help you think through and plan the different types of popular education participation. It covers the entire process from design to thinking about who will be engaging, and what kind of tools and ways of work are best suited for you. Popular Education Manual

Tools for Facilitating Meetings and Workshops

These websites provide some great ‘how to’ guides, which are really helpful when it comes to running group meetings and workshops. There are lots of tips on how to facilitate, include people, how to deal with difficult moments, and lots more.

Seeds for Change

Training for Change